Monday, February 3, 2025

INFO | Ciphers and Codes

Privacy or Secrets

A journal is usually kept privately to write down our deep thoughts. So sometimes having a type of code or secret message writing helps keep prying eyes away. I did make up a fake alphabet once about seven plus years ago to tinker around with. Here are some ideas if anyone is interested!

Stenography/Short Hand

With this handwriting style, it  is mainly used by secretaries and court stenographers to quickly and efficiently write down events. If you are interested in learning more about shorthand script to use for journal writing, this website is great to check out: Speed Writing Article

Morse Code

Being made up of dashes, dots, and spaces to convey a message, this is another fun cipher to use to write in your journals to keep it private and secret. To learn more about the history, check out this article: Britannica.

Fantasy Alphabets

Finally, looking into different fantasy video games and books,  they are great references to use the alphabets in your own journals. Tolkien's Middle Earth and Skyrim are two that come to mind that have their own fictional languages as an example. 

What will you write if you could use any alternative alphabets?

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