Prompts: Collection 1


  1. What's your full name?
  2. What name would you like if you can change your name? Why?
  3. How would you describe yourself?
  4. List five of your favorite foods
  5. What pets did you keep?
  6. Write about a memory you recall from elementary school (scary, funny, embarrassing, etc.)
  7. List your fandoms and how you got there
  8. Favorite color and why
  9. Favorite genre of books and why
  10. Hobbies and interest in a bulleted list


  1. If you can change one part of history, what is it and why?
  2. If you could time travel and be someone in history for a day, who would it be and why?
  3. As a steampunk pirate, what would you name your ship and where in the world would you travel?


For 30 Days, do one of the following things in your journal:
    • Write 5 blessings that you have today
    • Write 10 things you are thankful for
    • What was a miracle that happened today?


How would you describe yourself?
What are your future goals?
Dream life?


You find an animal in your garden shed that lives there. The animal looks like an simple looking animal. But the catch is that this animal is supernatural!
  • What animal is this?
  • Why is it supernatural?
  • How do you take care of this animal?
  • How do they behave?


For this week, every day, write one or several of the following prompts:

>GRATITUDEWhat are some things in life that you appreciate? Either in the spiritual or physical realm. What are you happy to have in your life?

>HAPPY: In a bullet point list, write about the good things that made you happy today? What made you smile?

>SERVICE: What did you do to make someone else happy?


Option 1: Write a review on a book/movie/video game/music that has made an impact on you and why.

Option 2: Rant about a class/teacher/friend or family/moment that bugged you and why. What happened?


Ever considered making a journal with a purpose or goal?

Currently I am making a journal dedicated to my mental and physical health. That way I can see how much progress I have made over time.
It's never too late to start today and dedicate a journal to a new goal! Make a journal with a purpose.


You are a witch or wizard.

  • What is your name and description?
  • What is your wand like? Wood type/material type? Core?
  • Familiar creature description?
  • Where do you live? Describe it!
  • Does your character have a job? If so, describe what it is like. 
    • If your character is a student, describe what their student life is like.


    Imagine you are a shopkeeper. What are your wares? What items are for sale and describe the items in detail?

 Ideas of a Unique Shop:

  • Scented candle shop, but the candles are bewitched
  • A boutique of wizard and witches clothing
  • Pet store for magical folk
  • Car store that are for ghost hunters or demonologists
  • Toy store for cryptids
  • Tourist shops or mall filled with candies from all over the world or food stalls from all sorts of places, each store is a portal to that said place(s)
  • Medicine shop that specializes in palm readings, tarot readings, crystals, and fortune telling
  • Scrolls shop that sells magical grimoires and tomes, specializing in enchanted diaries and journals


Who is this creature?
What is his/her name?
What kind of creature is it?
What kind of foods does it eat?
Its habitat?
Its personality?
Take this creature on a hike and describe how it goes!  



Pick a window and write a mini story about this room and who could live here.

Bonus: What if this was an anime show?


What is happening here? Write about this samurai and his home town. 


Imagine crating a magical Disney/Ghibli-like kingdom using the photo as inspiration. Write about what it is like to live there!


Pick a set of stairs. One is haunted, one is a magical portal, and one is keeping secrets. Write a short story or a story-like poem about the stairs you chose.

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