Prompts: Collection 3


For those who enjoy superheroes and drawing, this one is for you! Here's what the prompt is about today:

Design a superhero suit that has:

    *A symbol on the chest piece. What does it mean? What is it?

    *Colors. Why did you pick those colors for your hero?

    *Give your superhero a name!

    *Describe their superpowers and what they look like.

    *Now draw the suit and your superhero if you are up for the extra challenge.


Create a little store or café (or something of a small business) and describe it in detail.

Here are some questions to answer if you need some ideas:

    1. What is being sold? (Boutique, drinks, food, crafts...)

    2. Name of the store and a mascot or logo.

    3. What is the environment like for customers and employees?


•Mental Health
№1. Write about a song that struck a chord for you during a hard time. What does it mean to you?
№2. Vent about something that stressed you out and then burn the piece of paper.
№3. Research into different ways to help you out mentally and listening those life hacks out for emergencies or reference.

•Physical Health
№1. Keeping a log of your exercise experience and (healthy) food log. Color code for a bonus!
№2. Color code a mood tracker for one year.
№3. Keep track of your sleep and water intake. Make goals and see how much it helps your health.


This is a therapeutic prompt where the challenge is to be as honest as possible with yourself. Here are the following questions to consider:

    • When was the last time you cried, laughed nonstop, or felt deep anger? 
      • Why?
      • What caused it?
      • Was the event significant?
Sometimes life gives us lemons and sometimes lemon custard pie. Both are important in our own personal growth.



 These two are best friends, what kind of adventures are they going to do? What is their story of how they became best friends?

On top of that, pick one of the following as a genre:

  • Science Fiction
  • Children's Chapter Book
  • Teen Dystopian


You own a store of some sorts and need a music playlist.
    1. What kind of store do you own? Write a brief description of it.
    2. Make a music playlist of songs fitting of the vibes of your store.
    3. Describe the theme/interior design of your store.

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